Monthly Volunteer Opportunities
If you would like to be involved in a consistent, month-to-month, volunteering opportunity check out Second Saturdays. At various locations each month, we get together to serve the needs of our community!
Through member congregations and other volunteers, we have been able to meet many needs so far. For these events, we respond to the highest need we see in our community and organize accordingly.
If you or a group would like to get together to serve on one of our Second Saturday events, please fill out our form to sign up!

What is it?
The Laundry Love initiative consists of regular opportunities to come alongside people who are struggling financially by assisting them with their laundry. Laundry Love partners with groups and local laundromats in cleaning clothes and linens for low-income or no-income families and person(s).
Why are we doing it?
There are many people in our neighborhood who lack a very simple need: to have clean clothing. This is an opportunity for us to better serve our community!
How Can You Help?
The laundromat is one of the most beautifully diverse places to be. Spin City Laundry has opened Tuesday mornings as a time to set aside for Laundry Love. Here’s how it works:
Earth Breeze supplies us with laundry detergent sheets (free!)
Spin City reserves the use of a block of washers and dryers
Congregations and community groups team up to staff each Laundry Love session
Pick a Tuesday each month to host the event from 8:30 – noon
Collect funds to cover the cost of the machines (about $10/load)
Manage the reservation map of machines and apply post it labels to keep track of things
Distribute detergent and dryer sheets, feed coins into machines
Hang out with folks and get to know each other!
Share a snack or a game of cribbage, whatever feels right for you.
Monthly commitment preferred.
Unfortunately, laundry love is not free and we are dependent on contributions from generous people like you to continue the program. If you are interested in supporting our neighbors who would not be able to do laundry without this program, please consider making a monthly contribution.
Donate on safely and securely on Paypal by clicking the button below.